The region still benefits from an oceanic climate whose effects are beginning to diminish. To the mildness of the Loire climate, albeit slightly weakened towards the East, are added the favorable effects of the morphology and the topography (hillsides exposed South). The TOURAINE vineyard in the Mesland region is included in the average rainfall area. The monthly distribution and the annual total precipitation vary very little.
Vegetative development must be ensured on a regular basis during the annual cycle. This assumes a continuous water supply without excess or insufficiency, facilitated by a natural external drainage.
Healthy soils, naturally drained and of good exposure, ensure the regularization of the vegetative cycle. These early spring situations allow for full maturity in the fall, especially for the second-period grape varieties harvested during the month of October.
The risk of late spring frosts exists. Also, it is necessary to eliminate the situations frequently subjected to these jellies. These late frosts affect the quality, either by shortening the vegetative cycle, or by causing heterogeneous harvests with clusters ripening normally mixed with others late.